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Mastering Performance Through Support and Training

A study was conducted by KU Leuven and data intelligence company SciSports back in 2019. Research shows that some players like Cristiano Ronaldo seem to be immune to pressure, while others crack. A single tackle, pass, or shot could determine the outcome of a game or championship. Therefore it’s crucial that everyone gets the support they need in order to play optimally. According to Dr. Andrew Huberman if your autonomic nervous system overtakes you, you lose a lot of access to memory. He explains that the midline thalamus is typically activated by overcoming fears. Stimulation of this area of the brain can cause someone who is terrified by a certain obstacle to be more addicted to trying to overcome any fear than any other stimulus including drugs. This physiological change can cause someone to change where they get they’re source of dopamine from.

People learn best through osmosis, the natural process of absorbing ideas, knowledge, and technical skills through exposure to others, leading to unconscious assimilation. The goal for the league and Club is to perform elegant and competently while feeling little, to no stress. It’s common for a players creativity and boldness to be shut down due to traditional norms. We want everyone to enjoy becoming the best version of themselves.

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